What would you do?

First things first. . .about last night’s blog title, I meant to share an observation about the church service (all 3 hours. . .).  There were probably 800 people in church, and not enough hymnals to go around. . .but every 3rd person seemed to following scriptures or singing along using their cell phones.  On their hip, or in their purse, every day there is ready access to uplifting text and lyrics.  While I’m sure there must be apps for that that I haven’t seen (or looked for), our Haitian friends might seem to be ahead of us.  

But I digress. . .the team was in Chiraque today, departing at 8:00 am and returning around 6:30 pm.  We’re up in the mountains but can see the sea. . .while there is a breeze, it is still a hot Haitian day, and we’re working under a sheet-metal roof. . .and the large room beneath if filled with expectant Haitians.  It is 95-100 degrees.

With our crew of 3 Haitian Docs, a Haitian Dentist, 6 Haitian nurses, and a dozen other helpers, we saw and treated 412 persons medically, fitted 80 pairs of glasses, cleaned 30 ears, and pulled 50 teeth.  
When we walked the last bit up the hill to the church that we helped rebuild following the 2016 hurricane, the church was already filled with folks. . . .many of whom had not seen a Doctor since we were here last year, and some haven’t seen a Doctor. . .ever.  

So it’s hot, the chance of a lifetime has presented itself, and at some point while you wait you start to wonder will I be seen, or will my child be seen, at all.  It can get a bit unruly at times as some try to jump the line, and others get their backs up.  The local pastor (and the Circuit Superintendent, who joined us today) employ their calm but steely gazes, and will add decibels as a last result!  

But, truly, what would any of us do if we woke up tomorrow and there we were. . .Haitians, trying to get from moment to moment related to the kinds of things we have long since taken for granted?  And it is moment to moment. . .trying to find food for TODAY, everyday. . .trying to see a Doctor about a pain or other affliction that has eaten away at your energy if not your mental state for God knows how long.

Those of you who have supported this team’s work over the years can know that, TODAY, you were part of making getting from moment to moment a little easier, for a little while at least, for 572 residents of the village of Chiraque.  Bless you all!

John, Nancy, Mick and Anne


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