Returning to Jeremie - May 2019
Birmingham First United Methodist’s Haiti Mission Team will be returning to Jeremie in early May. We will be a smaller team but will be able to accomplish a lot in the week that we are there thanks to a terrific “ground team” that works alongside us. We had a bigger team visit planned for March but delayed the trip due to a lengthy period of demonstrations country-wide related to apparent government corruption and rapidly escalating prices for food and fuel. . .in a country where the average wage is $2/day!
We will strive to keep everyone abreast of the team’s work at the end of each day, and hope to post it successfully. . .a sometimes challenging task as power is sporadic as is internet availability!!
We will strive to keep everyone abreast of the team’s work at the end of each day, and hope to post it successfully. . .a sometimes challenging task as power is sporadic as is internet availability!!
Blessings and traveling mercies as you embark on your mission trip!