We can do all things through him that strengthens us.

I don't really don't know how to put today into words.

It had been raining for hours before we woke up, and raining hard during breakfast.  It seemed certain that we wouldn't make it up that tortuous, rutted, slick and steep dirt road to Chiraque.  

But, it would have taken another hurricane for the village to postpone today's celebration.  Tradesmen and church elders were finishing off construction details and decorating the church until past 10 pm last night. . .and the cooks, working over charcoal, began cooking up the celebratory meal. . .beginning at 1:00 am THIS MORNING, and still cooking until the meal was served to each parishioner at 1:00 pm today!!  More about the cooks in a moment.

The church was so pretty when we arrived, and we had it to ourselves for a bit. .with some gentle, recorded music in the background, and the continuing rain making its presence known on the tin roof.  

It was a joyous and tearful moment for those of us representing all of you.  
The generosity of BFUMC made the rebuilding of Chiraque's Methodist church possible.  Our wonderful Haitian friend and project manager, Axary Augustin, was a terrific general contractor, working hand in hand with the project engineer, Patrick, and Pastor Felix.  They rallied the village to the task during the past three months, and they built a stout, welcoming and glorious church.

So many soaring voices, so many smiling faces, so many handshakes and hugs.  Who cares about the constant, soaking rain today. . .besides, some of the villagers believe it was just God's baptism of his new house!  

There have been many good days since we began coming to Haiti in 2010 but I haven't experienced one so purposeful and so deeply touching as this one.  It the ordinary course, the village might have resigned itself to probably never having a proper church in a generation.  BFUMC was meant to resume work in Haiti, meant to be asked to take an interest in the village of Chiraque, and meant to lend a helping hand when all was lost.

God bless them for their faith (and obvious industry and teamwork in preparing for this day, staring only 3 months ago) and god bless all of you for helping make it happen.  


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