Countdown to 2017 Mission Trip!

Welcome to our new blog!  For some reason (which any of our kids would instantly figure out), while I can see the site we've used in previous years, I can't seem to add to it. . .so, out with the old, in with the new!

In a few days, the Birmingham First crew will depart for Jeremie and we have some very full days ahead.  Hurricane Mathew raked over the Jeremie area last October and we've been busy at a distance helping repair the damage.  Soon, the Kellers/McClellands/Smiths/Wilkinsons will arrive to dedicate the new new in Chiraque that we've helped build, deliver 4 mobile medical events, and tend to the Good Sam old folks' home.

We'll post daily summaries and pictures.  Thanks to our fellow parishioners at BFUMC and many family friends for responding to the call since the hurricane.  We can do what we do because of you.

John and Nancy Smith


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